Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Word Décor 'n More: Wall Quotes

UPDATE (6/16/2014): This partner is no longer supporting the Lungs for Life Breathe Blog

Happy New Year!!!

It has been a great start to 2011! With the help of Crystal Allure Jewelry, I'm excited to announce Andrea with Word Décor 'n More has generously offered to donate a portion of the net proceeds from the sale of the Just Breathe wall quote to the Lungs For Life Foundation!

It's a perfect collaboration for both businesses and a special thank you to Andrea for her generosity and support of the Lungs for Life Foundation mission.

How You Can Help
The easiest way to help is simply to spread the word. Tell your friends, family, social network contacts and don't forget to pick one up for yourself!

Here are just a few ideas on using the Just Breathe vinyl wall decal:
-Give as a gift
-Give as a lung transplant anniversary gift
-Adorn your own wall and raise awareness of organ donation and transplant to all your visitors.

Have any more ideas on how to use the Just Breathe wall quote? Please feel free to comment and share your idea(s).

Choose your preferred size and colors over at the Word Décor 'n More website.

Live every moment to its fullest!

Just Breathe...
You'll never live this moment again


Monday, January 3, 2011

Transplant Gatherings -Rochester, New York

Joanne Schum is a member of TAO - Rochester (Transplant Awareness Organization) and she sent me an email that I wanted to share with you. TAO meets regularly for "lung transplant" gatherings and they would like to pull together "organ specific" gatherings. You do not have to be a member of TAO or attend TAO meetings, to be part of the gatherings. The gatherings will be for socializing, sharing, questions and answers, resources, stories, support and FUN!

Below are the DATES, TIME and PLACE for January, February and March 2011. Please contact Joanne Schum directly at the address listed at the end of the post for more details on the gatherings.

3423 Winton Place (S. Winton Road Area, and Brighton Henrietta Town Line Road area)
Rochester, New York

1. Tuesday, January 11th - NOON
(The first meeting will be an introductions, planning, ideas, and getting some topics to discuss. We will also like to name our group.)

2. Monday, February 7th - NOON

3. Monday, March 14th - NOON

We will also discuss other possible locations, or day of the week for future gatherings. Mike's is centrally located and easy to get to from all directions.

REMINDER: Invite anyone else you know who is interested in lungs, the pre and post issues, and your family, friends, whomever would like to attend.

I will have everyone RSVP me, if they plan on going, the day before the meeting. For seating purposes.

I hope you all will consider attending a meeting sometime, should be fun. Please email for more details or to sign up.

Joanne Schum
Email: twoluckylungs [at] juno [dot] com


About This Blog

Welcome to the Lungs for Life BREATHE blog. It is here that I hope to keep you informed, provide resources and just stay in touch with asthma, cystic fibrosis, organ donation and transplant communities.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you.


The teal-green lung(s) graphic images were designed and generously donated to Lungs for Life by a young man, James Binegar, who lost his fight with cystic fibrosis while waiting transplant. We deeply appreciate James' work on our graphics and for donating his time to LFL. He will be missed but his memory will live on through our use of his graphics.

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