Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Lung Transplant Support Forum

My good friend Joanne Schum (which many of you know already) has recently started a lung transplant support forum with a new host. A double lung transplant survivor herself, she offers a plethora of information and support connections for those affected by cystic fibrosis (CF) and transplant (TX). Here is what she emailed me:

Lung Transplant Support For Patients

Here is the website address:
Here is the chat site:

The group E-Mail is:

I am hoping many people with various lung illness, and their friends and family will check it out and do some emailing. Presently it does not have a chat room, but I am researching this. We will talk illness and LUNG TRANSPLANT, both pre transplant and post transplant issues.

Just a bit of history on me. I am 45 years old, live in upstate New York. I had a double lung transplant, due to CF or Cystic Fibrosis. The transplant was September 12, 1997. I also compiled a book: Taking Flight- Inspirational Stories of Lung Transplantation in 2002. My transplant was performed at University of North Carolina Hospitals - Chapel Hill - Dr. Thomas Egan was my surgeon.

Please don't hesitate to email me: twoluckylungs [at] juno [dot]com -or -luckylungsforjo [at] aol [dot] com.

If you have questions about the site, ideas for the site, if you know a good chat room site, questions on transplant.

Thanks for your patience - this was a long time in the making, after the MSN Group closed. MSN shut down all groups they had.


About This Blog

Welcome to the Lungs for Life BREATHE blog. It is here that I hope to keep you informed, provide resources and just stay in touch with asthma, cystic fibrosis, organ donation and transplant communities.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you.


The teal-green lung(s) graphic images were designed and generously donated to Lungs for Life by a young man, James Binegar, who lost his fight with cystic fibrosis while waiting transplant. We deeply appreciate James' work on our graphics and for donating his time to LFL. He will be missed but his memory will live on through our use of his graphics.

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