Friday, June 25, 2010


Really?! Yea, I'm with you on that.

It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but in fact, it is true. I recently read about Yale University researchers who had regenerated the lung of a rat. Did it work? Apparently the lung "lived" for an hour or two. There is still much research to do on this discovery, especially for humans. But, it was stated it could take 20 to 25 years before such a leap for humans is in place, or accepted.

According to the American Lung Association, nearly 400,000 people die of lung diseases each year in the United States alone and lung transplants are far too rare to offer much help.

So what do you think about a human build-a-lung?

And P.S.: Thank you to the rat for dedicating him/herself to science, even if it wasn't his/her choice. :-)


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Welcome to the Lungs for Life BREATHE blog. It is here that I hope to keep you informed, provide resources and just stay in touch with asthma, cystic fibrosis, organ donation and transplant communities.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you.


The teal-green lung(s) graphic images were designed and generously donated to Lungs for Life by a young man, James Binegar, who lost his fight with cystic fibrosis while waiting transplant. We deeply appreciate James' work on our graphics and for donating his time to LFL. He will be missed but his memory will live on through our use of his graphics.

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